E-Newsletter / Fall 2021

View this email in your browser   Warm greetings to Friends and Supporters of Nanum! Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, the NY Nanum Foundation has pivoted away from its usual small budget grant-giving to focus on providing emergency relief to those struggling under the unusually heavy burdens triggered by the pandemic. With your donations and support in...

October 25, 2021January 12, 2023

[Save The Date] “An Evening of Sharing: 나눔의 밤”

Please Save the Date! The Covid-19 pandemic continues to severely impact families in our community. During this season of giving, let us come together to share our blessings with those who still desperately need help. | Monday, December 21, 2020 | 7:30pm Online | 45 minutes of festive musical performances | compelling testimonies and inspiring messages from some special...

November 6, 2020January 12, 2023