NY Nanum Foundation is dedicated to establishing a spirit of sharing and giving within a professional and diverse infrastructure. We thus operate according to the following set of principles:
Nanum believes that an impartial process of grant-making helps to target disbursements where they are most needed. To achieve impartiality, we convene a special board of independent advisors who are experts in the areas our grants cover and can provide meaningful recommendations on potential grant recipients.
Nanum operates in a transparent fashion, disclosing its finances, programs, and operations with donors and members of the community.
Nanum is intentional in its grant giving to ensure it is supporting community service programs and organizations that are serving the most critical needs in our communities: the elderly, at-risk youth, women, immigrants, individuals with disabilities and their families, and those community organizations that focus on Asian culture (including language) and arts (including performing and visual arts).
Meaningful Funding
Nanum believes that strong community service organizations are essential for the overall development of the community and recognizes the unique challenges of smaller organizations that have great potential community impact but don’t have the funding to support their programs. Therefore, in addition to offering grants to support capacity-building, which is crucial for long-term sustainability, we also limit our grants to organizations with limited access to meaningful ongoing funding sources.
Developing Everyday Donors
Nanum believes that small donations are like seeds of giving that, when planted in the community, sprout to give hope to those who most need it. Our Seeds of Giving campaign aims to promote Nanum’s philosophy of sharing and giving and help everyday donors develop a habit of lifelong giving. We will use these proceeds to actively support disadvantaged individuals who may need targeted assistance.