An Evening Of Sharing: 나눔의 밤 (After Event)

Dear Nanum Friends & Supporters:

Last night, we held our virtual fundraiser and we were able to raise over $83K for pandemic relief!  For those who missed the event, we invite you to watch it here:   You’ll hear some wonderful musical performances and hear inspirational messages and stories.   You can also see what the 2020 Nanum Foundation grant recipients have done with their grants this year.

There is still so much more need in our community – so it’s not too late to donate to our cause!  Please visit: to help us help those who have been hit the hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic.

We send you heartfelt greetings of the season and wishes for a very healthy and happy new year!

The NY Nanum Foundation

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NY Nanum Foundation
“Beyond Charity, Toward Change”

PO Box 73 Northvale NJ 07647
T. 201-568-5500

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