The 2018 Grant Application Period has Officially Closed.

NYNF have received an unprecedented number of grant applications for the 2018 grant cycle! The Foundation’s Grant Advisory Panel (GAP) consists of both board members as well as non-profit professionals from the field. The GAP has begun the process of reviewing the applications and will have some challenging decisions to make. As part of its...

November 4, 2017November 4, 2017

Recruiting NYNF Youth Volunteers

Are you a high school student looking for an opportunity to serve our community? Please consider joining the NY Nanum Volunteers! We value our high school volunteers who help us prepare our fundraising events and volunteer with us at community causes. Not only do they participate in volunteering opportunities, but they also learn the valuable skills needed...

November 4, 2017November 4, 2017

2017 Grant Cycle Midterm Evaluations Are in Process.

Thanks to the generous donations of supporters like you, the NY Nanum Foundation was able to award a total of $100,000 to nine deserving grantees for the 2017 grant cycle. With those funds, our grantees have been able to create meaningful programs for children, disabled individuals, seniors, and Asian immigrants. The Foundation has recently spent...

November 4, 2017November 4, 2017

12th “ I Love Nanum Gala” Special Performer “ Seung Joo Ryu”

12th “ I Love Nanum Gala” Special Performer “ Seung Joo Ryu” -Nanum Family Interview- -뉴욕 나눔 재단과는 어떤 인연으로 이번 행사에 참여하게 되셨나요? 이번 행사의 키노트 스피커였던 신애라씨의 추천으로 함께 참여하게 되었고 지난 나눔재단 행사에 참여했던 남편인 리키 김 씨의 적극 지지에 함께 하게 되었어요. -뉴욕 나눔 재단 갈라에서 공연 하신 것에 대한 소감...

November 4, 2017November 4, 2017

The 10th annual “I Love Nanum” Gala 2016

With 300+ attendees, NY Nanum Foundation was able to raise over $230,000 at our 10th annual gala. A big thank you to all of our donors and to support NY Nanum Foundation’s mission to bring about real and fundamental changes through the support of community service programs that meet the most critical needs in and beyond our...

October 13, 2017November 4, 2017

비영리단체 지원금 신청 접수…뉴욕나눔재단, 10월 6일까지

뉴욕나눔재단이 한인사회 비영리단체들을 대상으로 지원금 배분을 위한 신청서를 접수한다. 마감은 10월 6일. 재단 측에 따르면 지원금은 소외된 노인·여성·아동·청소년·이민자·장애인·아시안 문화와 예술 계통의 프로그램에 지원될 예정이다. 배분 심사는 각 분야의 외부 전문가로 구성되며 공정한 심사를 위해 위원 명단은 심사가 끝날 때까지 공개하지 않는다. 스티븐 오 이사장은 “미주 한인사회에 건강한 나눔과 기부 문화를 확산하는 데 큰 도움을 주신...

August 1, 2017January 7, 2019