Dear Nanum Friends and Supporters, We made it to the end of 2020! This past year has shown us that while the world can change quickly, the spirit of nanum (sharing & giving) is constant and all acts of giving make a difference. With your generosity, we have to date raised over $92,000 from our...
Please Help Us Reach Our Goal! (English)
In this season of giving, spread the gift of “Nanum”! Please Click Here to Watch the Highlights of “Nanum for the Holidays” Dear Friends and Supporters of Nanum, On December 14, the NY Nanum Foundation held its annual fundraiser “Nanum for the Holidays,” an ambiance-filled jazz club event with plenty of food and drink and...
An Evening Of Sharing: 나눔의 밤 (After Event)
Dear Nanum Friends & Supporters: Last night, we held our virtual fundraiser and we were able to raise over $83K for pandemic relief! For those who missed the event, we invite you to watch it here: You’ll hear some wonderful musical performances and hear inspirational messages and stories. You can also see what the...
An Evening Of Sharing: 나눔의 밤 Today!
Dear Nanum Friends & Supporters: We’re so excited! Our virtual pandemic relief fundraiser is tonight at 7:30pm and we invite you to watch it here: The link will go live at 7:15pm and our event will officially begin at 7:30pm. Feel free to share with friends and family too and join us for 45 minutes of...
An Evening Of Sharing: 나눔의 밤 (Tomorrow )
It’s Tomorrow, at 7:30pm! Please join us for “An Evening of Sharing – Music and Giving Dedicated to Pandemic Relief.” We are raising money for local Korean/Asian families who have suffered greatly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event itself is free but requires registration here: Pre-event livestreaming will begin at 7:15pm and the...
An Evening Of Sharing: 나눔의 밤 Registration
Our holiday virtual fundraiser is in just 5 days!! Please join us for “An Evening of Sharing – Music and Giving Dedicated to Pandemic Relief.” We are raising money for local Korean/Asian families who have suffered greatly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event itself is free but requires registration here: Our program will...
An Evening Of Sharing: 나눔의 밤 (Registration Open)
Our holiday virtual fundraiser is in just 5 days!! Please join us for “An Evening of Sharing – Music and Giving Dedicated to Pandemic Relief.” We are raising money for local Korean/Asian families who have suffered greatly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event itself is free but requires registration here: Our program will...
[Save The Date] “An Evening of Sharing: 나눔의 밤”
Please Save the Date! The Covid-19 pandemic continues to severely impact families in our community. During this season of giving, let us come together to share our blessings with those who still desperately need help. | Monday, December 21, 2020 | 7:30pm Online | 45 minutes of festive musical performances | compelling testimonies and inspiring messages from some special...
[뉴욕일보] “나눔 문화 더 확산 시키자”
“더 밝고 강한 한인사회 만들어 나가는 단체에 박수” 뉴욕나눔재단, 12개 단체에 활동비 12만 달러 지원 뉴욕일보 ㅣ 기사입력 2020/02/01 [03:33] 뉴욕나눔재단은 22일 포트리 더블트리호텔에서 2020년 기금 배분 행사를 개최했다. 이 자리에서 시민참여센터, 이노비 등 11개 단체의 프로그램에 10만5,000 달러를 지원하고 추가로 South Pole 재단의 기금 지원으로 뉴욕가장상담소에 1만5,000달러를 전했다. <사진제공=뉴욕나눔재단> 한인사회에 ‘나눔 문화’ 확산에 진력하고...
[KBN News] 뉴욕나눔재단, 한인 비영리 단체들에 12만달러 전달
01/23/20 한인 및 미주 사회에 기부 문화를 확산시키고 있는 뉴욕 나눔 재단이 어제 후원금을 배분하는 행사를 열었습니다. 뉴욕과 뉴저지 지역의 비영리 단체에 12만 달러의 후원금을 전달했습니다. 기부 문화를 확산시키고 한인 및 미주 사회를 지원하기 위해 활동하는 뉴욕 나눔 재단이뉴욕, 뉴저지 지역 비영리 단체에 후원금 총 12만 달러를 전달했습니다. 뉴욕나눔 재단은 어제 저녁 포트리 더블트리 호텔에서...